Letter of Application (Cover Letter from applicant)
Include information on personal background, intention to join the MM2H Programme, if
joining as a single or with family and briefly explain how you will support your stay in
Malaysia (financial capabilities)
13th July 2018
To, Ministry of Tourism Malaysia
Malaysia My Second Home Centre
Level 1, No.2, Tower 1, Jalan P5/6
Precinct 5, 62200 Putrajaya
Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing this letter of application in the great hope of joining MM2H program.
I love Malaysia and have visited three times in the past. The beautiful coast of Penang, a cool breeze of Cameron Highlands, the vibrant modern cityscape of Kuala Lumpur, all these are very charming. All the people I met in Malaysia were heartwarming and kind people.
Therefore, I hope to live in Malaysia by all means. I would like to learn Malay to communicate with Malay people and make many good friends.
・My financial capabilities
I am now 〇〇 employee, where I currently work as a section manager in the 〇〇department.
As you see from the withholding tax, my income exceeds 〇〇 yen per month for an annual income of 〇〇 million yen.
I have liquid assets in Japan, which are worth more than 〇〇 million yen, and my retirement allowance is planned to be 〇〇 million yen in a few years, and a sufficient pension is also planned, so there will be enough income to live on.
Also, I can open a fixed deposit account of more than RM150,000 in Malaysia.
・My health condition
I am in good health, enjoying mountain climbing and other outdoor activities.
Thank you for time and attention, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,